Io Vado a votare e VOTO SI al referendo contro le trivelle.
Il petrolio è un grande nemico dell'umanità e puo' essere eliminato con politiche di risparmio energetico e fonti rinnovabili.
E' una grande opportunità per mandare un messaggio chiaro di politica energetica al nostro Governo!!!!
Pasquale utm_source=newsletter- notrivelle&utm_medium=email& utm_content=imagelink&utm_ campaign=notrivelle
sabato 2 aprile 2016
Il 17 aprile #VotaSì al referendum per dire #StopTrivelle
venerdì 1 aprile 2016
Il Basso Prezzo Del Petrolio e l'ISIS
Il basso prezzo del petrolio e' una grande "arma" naturale per accelerare la sconfitta della piaga dell'ISIS.
Il petrolio e' di gran lunga la fonte principale del loro finanziamento: sia direttamente con la vendita di contrabbando del petrolio prodotto nei territori da loro occupati; sia indirettamente con i finanziamenti "occulti" di qualche "ente" simpatizzante e ricco di petrolio.
Col crollo del prezzo del petrolio, entrambi queste due fonti di finanziamento diventano piu' difficili e con impatto economico notevolmente ridotto.
Se poi i Paesi che combattono l'ISIS ( specialmente USA, Russia, Francia e UK ) intensificassero i bombardmenti delle installazioni e delle infrastrutture petrolifere nei territori occupati dall'ISIS, questi fanatici criminali sarebbero sconfitti in pochi mesi:
Le autobotti che usano nei territori occupati e che portano il petrolio alle raffinerie o ai punti di vendita di contrabbando dovrebbero essere il primo e facile target. Ma vanno neutralizzate anche le raffinerie, i sistemi di estrazione dai pozzi, gli oleodotti e qualunque infrastruttura petrolifera nei territori occupati. Senza il combustibile per i loro stessi mezzi militari, e senza i ricavi dal petrolio che finanziano in massima parte il loro esercito e tutte le loro attivita' terroristiche, l'ISIS si sgonfierebbe come "minaccia" militare e come polo di attrazione di tanti disperati e disadattati sparsi per il mondo e disponibili ad unirsi a questa follia criminale.
C'e' da augurarsi che il basso prezzo del petrolio duri a lungo: aiuta a combattere l'ISIS,
ed e' un forte aiuto all'economia mondiale in affanno.
E le economie mondiali possono, non solo tenere basso il prezzo del petrolio ma anche eliminarlo completamente entro qualche decennio con uno sforzo determinato sull'efficienza energetica e sulle fonti rinnovabili.
Si puo' fare... e sta avvenendo, anche se non abbastanza rapidamente.
The end of oil and the end of ISIS
ISIS - the monstrous self-proclaimed “Islamic state”, governed by criminal fanatics – today finds itself in serious difficulties in its occupied territories. The anti ISIS coalition bombings are producing damages, and so are the actions of the opposing militias, particularly the Kurds, on the ground.
However, ISIS’s real enemy in the past two years has been the prolonged low price of oil.
Oil stolen and smuggled by terrorists in the occupied territories, and the occult finances received from sympathizing sources, also fuelled by oil, have been drastically reduced thanks to the long term collapse of oil prices.
In addition, the coalition aviation (and in particular Russians), have finally begun to strike the “easiest” targets – those that will cause the least damage to the civilian population and buildings, but the greatest damage to ISIS’s ability to finance itself: oil tankers.
In fact, it is unclear as to why a targeted effort has not yet been made to strike all the tankers in the occupied territories: by doing so, within a few weeks it would be possible to paralyze the criminal army, and their main source of income, contraband oil, would be extinguished.
I feel this simple self-evidence is finally taking shape. Together with the continuation of low oil prices, this should eliminate ISIS as an organized military force in Iraq/Syria/Lybia, before the US Presidential elections in November. The end of ISIS as a military entity with its army and occupied territories would be an ulterior positive milestone of Obama’s Presidency.
On the other hand, the path towards the elimination of Islamic fundamentalism (and any other type of fundamentalism) in European cities and other parts of the world, will be longer and more complex.
It is necessary to combine politics of rigor and uncompromising respect of rules towards millions of migrants in our countries, with politics of real integration and mutual religious and cultural tolerance.
I have been fortunate in my life to have had countless friends and colleagues of different cultural backgrounds and religions with whom I have shared wonderful human relationships in total mutual respect.
It’s a more complex issue to tackle, but it must be done.
However, ISIS’s real enemy in the past two years has been the prolonged low price of oil.
Oil stolen and smuggled by terrorists in the occupied territories, and the occult finances received from sympathizing sources, also fuelled by oil, have been drastically reduced thanks to the long term collapse of oil prices.
In addition, the coalition aviation (and in particular Russians), have finally begun to strike the “easiest” targets – those that will cause the least damage to the civilian population and buildings, but the greatest damage to ISIS’s ability to finance itself: oil tankers.
In fact, it is unclear as to why a targeted effort has not yet been made to strike all the tankers in the occupied territories: by doing so, within a few weeks it would be possible to paralyze the criminal army, and their main source of income, contraband oil, would be extinguished.
I feel this simple self-evidence is finally taking shape. Together with the continuation of low oil prices, this should eliminate ISIS as an organized military force in Iraq/Syria/Lybia, before the US Presidential elections in November. The end of ISIS as a military entity with its army and occupied territories would be an ulterior positive milestone of Obama’s Presidency.
On the other hand, the path towards the elimination of Islamic fundamentalism (and any other type of fundamentalism) in European cities and other parts of the world, will be longer and more complex.
It is necessary to combine politics of rigor and uncompromising respect of rules towards millions of migrants in our countries, with politics of real integration and mutual religious and cultural tolerance.
I have been fortunate in my life to have had countless friends and colleagues of different cultural backgrounds and religions with whom I have shared wonderful human relationships in total mutual respect.
It’s a more complex issue to tackle, but it must be done.
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